So as you can probably imagine, Indian weddings are those that spark the amusment and imagination. Whether it's the dances, the food, the beautiful dresses, the guys that hit on you, yes, even those. Here is the most recent tale of a family friend's wedding:
Let us start out with a bit of info here... I was wearing what we call a sari, Hannan and Lauryl were wearing what is known as a salwar kameez. Usually a girl won't wear a sari till she is at an age to be married (usually, especially where we were for this wedding). I will put it plainly, with me being in a sari, being white, and 5.9 with 2 1/2 inch heals, I was probably a sight. I counted 5 people asking either my mom or I when I was going to get married and where this blessed event was to take place. I just have to laugh, because if you know me, and my present state of singleness, the only option for me to be married within the next year would be through an arranged marriage... God, I would pity the man. One family friend asked if I would be married in America or India? I simply said that once I do get married, and it is not now, I might be married in the USA and have a reception in India. He was a little put off by this answer, saying "do you not want us to see you being married off?" I was scared he was a bit offended so I did my best to assure him that I meant no such thing, that I was only thinking about those who wouldn't be able to see me wed (being that it's expensive to fly a family of 40 + to India). And I think it would be dificult to have two weddings in two different countries, especially becuase the bloke (whoever he may be) just might be from yet a different country. Drama, drama, drama. I'm not even dating yet and yet many aorund me have ideas on how I should get married, and when (all them hoping that it is soon, some even wondering if mom and dad are arranging it right now... I laugh)
Now, onwards to an even better story. Hannah and Lauryl are the ones greeting guests as they entered the church, which I thought was highly ammusing being that they don't speak Telegu and half... no, 70% of the people who walked in didn't have a clue what these impressive beauties were saying. But one man had his eye on Hannah (she was a vision of pink) and have the boldness to come up to her. This is what he had to say "One small complement for you... You are looking like one fairy, like one fairy princess!" And with that he stuck out a bold hand as if he had just paid her the best compliment in the world and they could now be friends, in hope of something else?
On top of all this, when we were at the reception we were introduced to about 20+ people who were the guests of honor, each given an esteemed red office chair covered in plastic in front of a couple hundred peoeple... they were very nice red office chairs, matching the large velvet covered love seat which was for the bride and groom :)
But I think the best story of hte day is this:
We are 30 minutes away from leaving to catch our midnight train, over stuffed from food, wanting only to change into something comfortable and discreet (being that we are not in a very western city). Hannah had thought she packed a change of cloths, because believe me, wearing a salwar with so much work on it is very stiff. She found out she had jeans and a tank top... a white tank top, noodle straps and very tight... no spare t-shirt to be found. We're going through all of our options... could she wear one of my sari blouses? No, she lookes like a very retarted white person, could she just wear the tank top? No, too revealing.... hmmm. If only they boys had an oversized shirt that was in the back of the car (we had sent most of our things back with another driver 4 hrs before). Hannah -"go check!" So I go outside, bring in the carry on, open it up, lo and behold there is an oversized formal shirt belonging to Daniel... if you know Daniel it doesn't have to much of a shirt to be oversized :) Hannah puts it on, and though the pocket sits a bit odd, and the full length sleaves are up to her elbows, it fits! Praise God, I no longer look like a very stupid white person, but a confused one as well. Score!
These are a few dear stories which I collect as we live in India, the land we do love and cherish.
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